Industry Leader Interview with Tim Mawhinney

Earlier this year, Blue Cross Life was ranked Canada’s Most Respected Life Insurance Company by over 4,200 Canadians coast-to-coast, topping a list of 26 national insurance providers. Displacing Sun Life Financial nationally, we asked Tim Mawhinney, President and CEO of Blue Cross Life his views on what ‘respect’ means to him, how it applies in [...]

By |2022-10-27T20:53:03+00:00October 25th, 2022|Thought Leadership|0 Comments

The Bank of Goodwill

Be honest. Be respectful. Keep your word. Stand behind your promises. Out-of-the-blue critical events and issues can be upon you. Within a day, Rogers had every regulatory and business-eye on it when our national communications and commerce came to a full stop for almost a day.   With one video-release, Bell Media became a employment/employer pariah [...]

By |2022-08-26T17:37:29+00:00August 22nd, 2022|Thought Leadership|0 Comments

Reputation matters, especially now.

27 companies to note in 8 Industry Sectors.  Airline delays, telecom blackouts, food and energy cost escalations, are just a few of the things that have affected various consumer-citizen sectors and put their corporate inhabitants under the microscope nowadays. And no doubt that with the Bank of Canada rapidly raising interest rates and investment portfolios [...]

By |2022-07-15T11:47:49+00:00July 13th, 2022|Thought Leadership|0 Comments

Treating Customers with Respect

6 Win-Win Reminders to Keep Close by. I keep a 2017 list of 6 Ways to Respect your Customers, written by Denyse, Drummond-Dunn, ( pinned visibly near my desk.   I refer to this list almost daily as I interact with my clients by email, phone or in a meeting. Ask Permission to Gather Information [...]

By |2022-07-18T14:06:49+00:00June 10th, 2022|Thought Leadership|0 Comments

Corporate Respect Leaders 2020-2022

Current Examples for Developing Managers. My February 2022 blog talked about the character-trait of respect being a differentiating attribute our of country, and the need to bring respect/respectful-behaviour more into our active conversations.   Our businesses and institutions are perfect places to talk-about and promote the attribute of respect. Like Canada, our business-entities should respect the [...]

By |2022-07-18T14:02:03+00:00May 20th, 2022|Thought Leadership|0 Comments

Respect in a crisis – A win or lose game with little in between

In a crisis situation everything moves fast, exponentially fast. The challenge is to get your message out early, factually and believably to your employees, shareholders and stakeholders – in part, to shut down and better manage the rumour mill fed by social media. How does respect fare in this hothouse environment? It can be lost [...]

By |2022-07-18T13:59:00+00:00April 6th, 2022|Thought Leadership|0 Comments

CANADA: Respect is at our Core

It’s who we are, and what our businesses should be. We are a nation built on respect, and respectful behaviour. Canada has a deep, proven history promoting and protecting the fundamental the rights of nations and individuals, political rights and civil liberties.  Canadians value, advocate and defend human rights, the rule-of-law, gender equality, linguistic duality, ethnic [...]

By |2022-07-15T11:46:02+00:00February 24th, 2022|Thought Leadership|0 Comments

Industry Leader Interview with Stephen Beatty

Earlier this year, we announced Toyota was ranked Canada’s Most Respected Auto Manufacturer over 13 national peers.  This recognition was particularly important because it arrived during incredibly challenging (global pandemic) times for auto manufacturing leadership teams, their dealer networks, suppliers and customers. “Respect is earned, not just by manufacturing strong products, but through a combination [...]

By |2022-07-15T11:30:38+00:00January 5th, 2022|Thought Leadership|0 Comments

Respect as the Corporate Culture Code

Bill Higgs, former CEO of Mustang Engineering, author of Culture Code Champion, host of the Culture Code Champions Podcast, explains how treating others with Respect is critical to a strong corporate culture. In this quick read Forbes article, he clearly states his experience and two critical tenants that he promotes to achieve that end: Practice [...]

By |2022-07-18T13:59:47+00:00November 9th, 2021|Thought Leadership|0 Comments

Embracing Respect at Airbus

Respect is a fundamental value for all employees at Airbus—etched into the very culture of their organization drive both from the top down and bottom up.  “Respect guides all of our daily interactions – with each other, with our customers and even with our products”.  Aircraft Assembler and Values Ambassador Geoffrey Purcell echoes this view: [...]

By |2022-07-15T11:31:38+00:00October 20th, 2021|Thought Leadership|0 Comments
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